3 Mistakes You Are Making as an Artist
Apr 07, 2022
Here are Three Mistakes a beginner is likely to make.
- Stop Daydreaming and Start Drawing
We all have dreams that keep us motivated and wanting to keep trying. It’s the same thing with drawing. We have a dream to draw well, to become an accomplished artist. Then reality hits (drawing is hard work) and we crash into a big, brick wall.
As a kid, I had a dream of becoming an animator, and just through lack of discipline and inspiration, I didn’t follow through on my dream. I blame myself for this. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties, that I got serious about drawing again. By that time, that boat had sailed! But hey, here we are, so no regrets! So, my point is, it’s ok to dream, it is good to dream, but the reality is, only you can make your dreams come true! I can help! We all can help, but only you can put in the “pencil” time.
- Don’t Jump Ship, Drawing is a Long Journey
You know what I mean by this idea of jumping ship? Sometimes, once you follow your dream (in this instance, start to draw), reality hits! You realize that drawing is hard and you find yourself facing a tremendous amount of temptation to quit drawing. A big part of that is your inner voice telling you you’re no good at drawing, and you should quit. That voice is telling you to jump ship!
Then, to top it off, we go on the internet, or Facebook, etc., and find all these other really good drawings by other artists; we see how good they are and they make it look so easy! So, then we start second guessing ourselves, thinking we could never draw like that, we could never be that good. It could never be that easy and you know what, you’re right! It’s not that easy, it’s hard! It’s hard work, rewarding, but hard!
So, if you want to reach your dream; face reality and recognize, you’re going to have to do the “pencil” time. Don’t jump ship! Stay in the boat and we’ll help you. We’ll help you reach the shore (achieve your dream) if you just stay in the boat.
- Talent is Magic! – NOT!
Ok, the third mistake beginners make is to think that talent is some magical gift. I hate it when someone says a person has so much talent; they must have been born with it. I hate that phrase. Oh, they’re so talented! Well, no, no they’re not talented. Talent is a cheap commodity; talent is everywhere. Too much credit is given to talent. These are natural desires (dreams), the very fact that you are dreaming of being an artist tells me you have plenty of talent. That is what talent is good for, to provide you with dreams, (hopes and desires) that give you the drive to practice, to persevere (That is the real gift)!
Put in your “pencil” time, 15 minutes a day, that is where you will find success. Remember, Talent is Common, Perseverance is Not! That’s my motto.
Be careful of those mistakes. If you’re a beginner, you’re in a really good place here! I am here to help you.
Use this link to sign up for my FREE beginners drawing class. I will teach you the five key objects, so you can draw almost anything.
Go out and make your day great! I’m a Dad who Draws, thanks for watching.
Struggling and not sure what or how to draw...
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